
One thing that people regularly ask me is, “how do you make money from your website and blog?” As many of you know, I am a huge believer in multiple streams of income. Without getting into each and every one of my income sources, I can share with you the one that currently represents about 80% of the pie – affiliate income. Simply stated, I get paid very well for sharing links to other people’s products and services. There are a variety of affiliate opportunities, but the easiest program to get started with is Amazon Associates.

The program is free to join, and all you have to do is to share links to Amazon products and services and you begin earning money (based on the sales that your links generate). You not only get paid when people make a purchase of a product or service you link to, but you also get paid if they happen to buy other items after clicking on your links (this is huge around the holidays as people will almost always end up making add-on purchases once landing on the Amazon site). For more on this program, check out my prior article – How To Make Money And Get Free Stuff From Amazon. 

Note: The Amazon Associates opportunity is currently not available to residents of Arkansas, Colorado, Maine, Missouri, Rhode Island, or Vermont. This means you can not profit with my rebrandable report if you live in one of these states.

Make Money Giving Away Viral Report On FREE Internet TV 

Jim Paris Viral Report - Replace Cable TV With Free And Low Cost Internet TV

I just finished writing a detailed 17 page report outlining step by step how to replace expensive cable TV with FREE Internet TV. I have to share with you that this has been one of the most popular topics I have written about in the last three years. After all, who would not want to save $1,000 or more per year by getting rid of cable TV? This is the key… this is why it is viral. When people get their hands on information like this, they can’t help but to begin sharing it with their own circle of friends.  It is the very same thing that happens with those laughing baby videos, but the big difference here is the embedded affiliate links. 

Embedded in the new report are multiple affiliate links for the equipment needed to access TV through the Internet. I also make recommendations of antennas to be used for free over the air TV channels.  Each time someone makes a purchase after clicking on one of these links cha-ching… This is a win-win, as people would be buying these items anyway, and since I am the one that shared the information with them I get to earn a commission on their purchases.

Actual Page From Viral Report Pictured Below


The Easiest Online Business Opportunity
I Have Ever Launched

Once you use my platform to ‘rebrand’ the viral report by inserting your own links, you are done! This is not a website that you have to deal with every day, there are no ongoing hosting fees or headaches. Instead of sending your rebranded report as an attachment to an e mail (people hate attachments and won’t open them these days), all you have to do is to share your link, and I do the rest. Your viral report will be hosted on my server, so post your link anywhere and everywhere you like and the report is online 24/7 for people to read (and to share with their own friends too!). 

Only $19 One Time Cost

Your Total Cost To Rebrand My Viral Report Is Just $19 (one time cost, no monthly fees)

About three months ago I began working out the details to be able to allow my readers to ‘rebrand’ my writing and earn money on the affiliate links in my reports. All you have to do is to purchase the branding rights to my report and use my special platform to change all of the links to your own. This means that you can take my report and splash it all over the Internet using your Facebook and E mail list, but YOU GET TO POCKET THE MONEY GENERATED. How many people do you know that would like to receive a free report on how to get rid of cable TV? How many of those that you give this report to will pass it along to their circle of friends?  you won’t believe how easy it is to see a report like this go viral. Don’t forget that each and every person that ends up with that report that originated with you will be clicking on your links!

Super Easy To Get Started

After your purchase goes through you will be taken directly to the rebranding page. All that you have to do is to insert your Amazon Associates ID and we do the rest. Just a few seconds later, you will have the link to the report that you can begin sharing online! 


How To Share Your New Viral Report With Your Friends

Here is an example of a Facebook post. Feel free to use the graphic from this article (as I did) to draw more attention to your post.  You can do this on all of your social networks, and even send out e mail messages with this link. For those that are even more ambitious, you can post to Craigslist and online forums. How many people do you think you can find online that would be interested in this cutting edge information?


100% Money Back Guarantee

If you are unhappy with your viral report purchase for any reason, we will refund your money within 60 days with no questions asked. Get started today with the easiest business plan I have ever launched.

Get started now for just $19


 To Your Online Success!





James L. Paris


Questions: Contact Us Click Here

Other Important Terms And Conditions

Your lifetime license to this report is limited to distribution of the PDF report for free through your rebranded link (you can not charge for the report). You agree not to distribute it in any offline manner (e.g. printing it out). Additionally, you agree not to make any changes to the report other than to rebrand the affiliate links using our platform to do so. Specifically, no text in the report can be changed or edited in any way. You also agree not claim that you are the author of the report. Lastly, we do not make income projections or guarantees – each person will have their own level of success. It is your responsibility to follow federal and state laws regarding unsolicited E-Mail