Weird Side Gig No One Knows About

All You Need Is A Smartphone

I wake up and there is a Picture assignment on my phone. Go to a local address take 5 pics of a house from the street and get $20 paid within 24 hours by PayPal. I just do it on my way out in the morning and it is extra money for gas, lunch, whatever I need. This is just one example of what I am teaching in Real Pics Real Profits. I have done this over and over again, and I can’t believe how few people know about this opportunity. You just need a smart phone and can a background check (not a credit check, just a criminal background check). No camera needed, just use your phone. Really like 5 to 10 minutes of work. I have been doing this for 3 months now and have learned the ins and outs of how it all works and how to get approved for the most work assignments. That is why I launched the course, to give people my insider knowledge and how it all works and all of the different apps that you can sign up for to make money taking pictures for banks, mortgage companies, and property managers. I have been paid much more, including $250 for 90 minutes recently. Each assignment is different and you pick the ones you have time to do. I even show you how to do this full time.